Sunday, January 31, 2010

Since my last post I have made several breads and they came out really good. Tonite I prepared Italian Stew fixins for tomorrow's dinner. I am going to cook it in the crock pot. My mother makes great stew with red sauce. It is really good with crusty sourdough bread and a great glass of wine. Still need to get the Art of French Cooking Cookbook. QVC had some really nice cookbooks today. I always liked to read cookbooks and I am gathering a collection of them. I especially like the vintage ones.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Holy Bread

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year 2010 - I am back on the blog and hopefully I will be faithful to it.

I love to cook and bake bread! Yes , I do. I am of Italian heritage and I love to cook Italian. My grandmother was an excellent Italian cook. But, ever since I saw the movie Julie and Julia I am so excited about cooking French or at least starting to try a few French recipes. This is going out of my comfort zone entirely but I am going to at least try. I got the book the Joy of Cooking and I want to get the book by Julia Childs 'The Art of French Cooking' but it is so expensive in the book stores. So I looked on Ebay and there were some vintage ones for about $12.00. I have not ordered it yet because I have been baking bread from Father Dominic's Cookbook - Baking Bread. He is a Franciscan priest and he has the best recipes for bread. I don't use a bread machine I knead the dough myself and I love it!

I don't use any of the low cal ingredient stuff for some of the recipes. It just dosen't come out as good. I was taken by Julia Child's use of butter. So I use butter and it makes a difference.

If anyone has any easy French recipes please pass them on. I am just a beginner.
By the way, I got the title for this blog from a friend of mine on Facebook. Bye for now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Vacations!

Seems like most of the college kids will be going on spring vacations this week. Maybe to sunny Florida, skiing out West or having fun in Mexico (with precautions) or taking a ride up North to Montreal to see the sights. Perhaps many of you will be home with Mom and Dad and the family. I would love to know about your experiences if you care to share them, well maybe some of them.

Enjoy yourselves but please be safe.

Bye for now, Sis Paula

Sunday, February 1, 2009

And then there were 14! Yikes!

I can't believe this woman out in California. She's in her 30's and already has 6 children AND she wanted another girl? Whoops, now she has 14 children. Can't believe that! What was she thinking? Her mom said that all her daughter wanted was to have children. Yes, but who is taking care of them - her mom and dad!

I know this whole thing is controversial. The ethical component, the doctors, hospitals, etc. Not to mention the hospital bill in the millions and the care for these children and the health of the mom. Really, its amazing that all 8 of them survived and are doing well. Is there any hidden messages in all of this. What are your views?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Let's Talk

The hype is on, the momentum is running high! In less than two weeks we will have a new president. The mementos and souvenirs of this historic event are already in play. Even the home shopping channel QVC had a full hour dedicated to the presidential memorabilia. Seems like the country can't wait. Do you think we will be asking too much of him, too soon? Seems to me that is what we are doing.

I have been thinking of all of this. Our country, the economy, the world at large. Our young nation,the USA falling to its knees. I never dreamed I would see these days be so bad. I have been through some rough times, layoffs, but not this bad. Although, it did not happen all at once. It is a culmulation of a lot of things through many years and decades and now the young preseident-elect Obama has it all to contend with. I think he has a good balanced cabinent and a lot of good people that will surround him and advise him. He is inclusive of both Democrats and Republicans and that's what I like about him. Building those bridges towards collaboration and to peace. I believe it can be done. I stand united with the people of this country to support the efforts of our new president. Times might even get tougher but we continue to trust and walk in faith that God makes all things new. We will have a brighter future for our younger generation to take hold of. I believe that and I have hope that the light will dispel all of our fears and anxieties. I am going to enjoy the inaugration events - what about you?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sister is back!

Happy New Year to all my blogger friends! I am back after a lovely respite of much needed rest and relaxation.

Hope this year will be much better and brighter for all of us.

So many things happening out there. The Middle East, our ecomony, Caroline Kennedy for NY Senator.(Oh My)!

Just heard about John Travolta's son, Jet. I am so sorry for his family. Losing a child is so very devastating. They remain in my thoughts and prayers.

What would you like to converse about? Caroline Kennedy? Start the conversation.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow ,Silence and God!

I anticipated a wonderful weekend where I absolutely wanted to finish writing my cards and wrap some gifts. I thought I might be able to do a late night walk at the mall and sip a cup of coffee and maybe look for a handbag that I really do need. Hopefully, I thought maybe I could get a real deal on a good bag.

However, for the past two days I have been in my house due to a snow storm that has hit the Northeast. The only time I got out was on Saturday when I had to move my car when the plow man came and to attend the 4 pm mass at Saint Luke's. As I write the snow is still falling gently.

Although I was disappointed I could not go to the mall, I was able to write my cards and wrap some gifts. I also did so many other things that did my soul good! I made Christmas calls to most of my elderly relatives whom otherwise would get a card. They were thrilled to hear my voice and chat. I called some of my old work friends and supervisors that I have been thinking of and wanting to hear their voices (we laughed a lot about the old days). I had a chance to tidy up my desk in my Spirit Room and do my calender for 2009 . I relaxed with the Lord and prayed in silence as still as it was thanking God for all the blessings in my life especially this wonderful day to just 'be'. I listened to Christmas Carols and looked for a Pecan Breakfast Bread recipe that I will make tomorrow. Took a nice hot relaxing bath and manicured my nails. Needless to say it was a wonderful God weekend amidst the quiet and the purity of the falling snow. God was very present in all my activities. I could almost hear him say - slow down Paula - what's the rush? Let's enjoy one another! Indeed, how sweet it was!

I will not post another blog until after the new year. Hopefully, I will have some photos on the blog. I am also happy to say that my blog can also be accessed through a blog.

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! God Bless!